The Astronomer's Mansion
Near the centre of the enchanted garden-like night-world, there is a grand mansion, with magic eminating from every crevice and wall, it seems. The main entrance has large heavy wooden doors, with enchanted carving crawling about on them, in constant and perpetual motion, like a story almost being drawn out. Directly inside the doors, there is the main social chamber. The interior of the building is huge, with carved columns around the perimeter, and a projection of the night sky, as if you were directly looking outside up to the celestial overworld. There are reclining plush chairs, velvet couches, and other seats of comfort. In each the west and east, there are grand staircases with polished white marble banisters, that lead up to balconies that have intricate markings and carvings of the patterns of the moonrise and moonset. By one of the tables, there is a control panel that leads to an entertainment system. In a room leading from the main chamber, there is a library of extensive texts of histories and various other genres. In another room, there is a full-functioning bar and resteraunt with a holographic bartender, and any conceivable item on the menu. On your way back to the main chamber, an notice on a board is inscribed on a wall, for everyone to see:
Welcome to the Astronomer's Mansion. This is the main social hall of Mundi Noctem. We hope you enjoy your stay here, and we welcome you to come visit here any time. When you are here, we ask of you to abide by the rules:
1. No CyberSEX. If you need explanation, feel free to e-mail for a lengthy explanation on that.
2. No powergaming. Same deal.
3. The room is generally IC (in character). If you use the whisper in chat (/w NAME blah blah blah), it should be whispering IC. Anything else should be instant messaged (IM'ed) or E-Mailed, as it takes too much space to have entire conversations via whispering.
4. If you want to make a comment OOC (out of character) either use two sets of parentheses '((blah blah blah))', denote with OOC 'OOC: blah blah blah', or both '((OOC--blah blah blah))'.
5. For actions, either use two sets of **'s or /a. When you use /a, it is in third person. E.g.: /a runs into a wall. That would show up as ** NAME runs into a wall ** in the chat.
6. Remeber to respect the others in the room, please. If anyone informs us (via E-Mail, please) that you are being an annoyance, you could be banned from chat/the message boards for a period of time.
The set social times are (EST* and PST** given, in respective order):
Sat-Sun: 8*/5**pm - 12*/9**pm
You may be in the room at other times, though. These are just the set hours where groups will hopefully form.