Book of Citizens

Crysta Aragaron

Name: Crysta Aragaron

Birthday: July 31st

Gender: Male

Race: Esper/Human and Phoenix

Height: 5'9"

Description: Blue Hair, green Eyes, Purple robe, Tall, thin.

Weapons: Crystal Staff, Phoenix Necklace, Gold Earrings, Heart of the sun, Crystal Armor, Golden Boots, Golden Gloves, Golden Belt, Green Phoenix Suit, Gold Wings.

Magic Types Used: Weak legendary magic, Strong Phoenix Force, Magic of the Suns Fire.

History: Crysta was born and raised in the esper world. When she was seventeen she left, and much hapenned in her life. when she was 23, she found her brother Skyler Yokatani, and realized of her past. She then Met the entities of her parents, Abadus and Emana. Soon afte, she became a legendary magic master. Then lived her life as a legendary magic teacher and summon shop owner. When she was 24 and 3 months old, she went on a journey to the sun mountains, where she became posessed by the Phoenix. Her legendary magics diminished, and now she has the powers of the phoenix. She lives her life, unaware of what could happen in she loses control of her powers...

Quote: "Don't take your life for granted, you could wake up one day and die the next minute..."

The Apocolyptic Phoenix's Website


ICQ: #57969758

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