Book of Citizens

Excalibur MerVian

Name: Excalibur Pallas MerVian

Age: March 14 (Actual birthdate unknown)

Birthday: 202+ (Actual age unknown; assumed to be older than his sister, Illumina)

Gender: Male

Race: Angel (Prefers to stay in human form)

Height: 6'0"

Description: Excalibur, naturally being a genius, is a knowledegable person and will act intellectually most of the time. He is also nonjudgmental of people, believing that everyone is equal.

He uses his knowledge wisely, and if he knows the science of something, he will explain it in basic layman's terms to people who do not understand scientific jargon, and in that same scientific jargon to those that do.

Excalibur wears metallic glasses with wide square rims, a black cotton T-shirt, a white lab coat, a black leather belt with a gold buckle, black dress pants, and black dress shoes.

Weapons: Excalibur has no weapons. He prefers to use his psionic abilities instead.

Magic Types Used: Holy, Curative, Status, Dimensional, Time, Warp, and Poisonous.

History: (History up to Excalibur's entrance to Mundi Noctem is not listed due to its immense length. Go to Excalibur's character page to see the full history.)

After helping Ragnarok with the defeat of Entanebx, Excalibur headed back to Windor. He eventually went on a trip with his sister (Illumina) and friend (Ragnarok) to Mundi Noctem, where he is currently residing at.

Quote: "If something happens to you, always give it a thorough examination: The blessing you have may be cursed, but the curse you have may be blessed."

Excalibur MerVian's Full Character Bio


AIM: WolfeDen3 TPW

ICQ: 14179958

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