Book of Citizens

Illumina Colisio

Name: Illumina Fraundorf Colisio

Age: 202+ (Actual age unknown; assumed to be younger than her brother, Excalibur)

Birthday: March 9 (Actual birthdate unknown)

Gender: Female

Race: Angel (Prefers to stay in human form)

Height: 5'8"

Description: Illumina is a happy, cheerful, energetic, and fun-loving woman who, when not currently in the process of having fun, tries to get people into the spirit of things. She is also curious of what some things do when messed around with (which is what caused the "freak accident" in Excalibur's lab).

For fun, her favorite thing to do is [literally] picking up someone (in some cases, Ragnarok himself), and throwing that person around...In most cases, she is facing in Ragnarok's direction (if he's not the one being thrown), and he is promptly knocked down in the process when Illumina throws these people.

Illumina wears a white barette, a light green cotton babydoll T-shirt, a sky blue cape with gold stripes bordering it (attached to shirt with white shoulder pads), flared jeans (with designs embroidered above the cuff), and black shoes.

Weapons: Her barrette/halo, because although it looks like a stylish hairpiece that is pure white in color, remember that appearances can be deceiving...Especially when this barrette is really her halo. When taken off her head and charged with Holy magic, it shows its true form as her halo, which can be used as a deadly, Holy-typed chakram. She prefers to fight bare-handed because of her great physical strength, but she will also use her barette/halo if the need arises to use it.

Magic Types Used: Holy, Poisonous, Curative, Useless, and Status.

History: (History up to Illumina's entrance to Mundi Noctem is not listed due to its immense length. Go to Illumina's character page to see the full history.)

After helping Ragnarok with the defeat of Entanebx, Illumina headed back to Windor. She eventually went on a trip with her brother (Excalibur) and fiancé (Ragnarok) to Mundi Noctem, where she is currently residing at.

Quote: "You've gotta be more relaxed, start taking it easy, get out more often, try new things...Trust me, it'll be fun!"

Illumina Colisio's Full Character Bio


AIM: WolfeDen3 TPW

ICQ: 14179958

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