Book of Citizens

Strahd Vikvalkeon

Name: Strahd Vikvalkeon

Age: (Undisclosed)

Birthday: (Unknown)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'0"

Description: Strahd's hair color is a dark brown, bordering almost on black. His eyes are a speckled mix of many different colors: A grey base with green, gold, and perhaps a shade of red scattered about here and there. He has a build of a soldier, strong, yet not too large either. He usually wears his black leather armor, with a black cloak to match, and is never without his belt of skulls or his gloves.

Weapons: A Falchion, Hand Crossbow, Normal and Poisoned Crossbow Bolts, Normal Leather Armor, a Belt of Skulls, Rune of the Black Sword, and Bolt Pouches.

Magic Types Used: Unholy/Dark and Divination.

History: At the age of thirteen, Strahd witnessed his parents' deaths...At the hands of zombie soldiers. He now wanders the world, seeking out and destroying the undead as a "Hunter of the Dead."

Quote: "The undead have lost their souls, and that can happen to anyone."


AIM: StrahdVikvalkeon

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